Success Stories

Biscuit was originally adopted to an Oahu family by a rescue on the neighbor islands. She was subsequently turned into another shelter on Oahu to be euthanized claiming that she was blind and lethargic. We got a call from that rescue and stepped in and took her into our rescue. We took her to Pet Vet and our veterinarian determined that Biscuit was not blind nor lethargic. She did have a hernia and a grade 2-3 heart murmur, both of which were not life threatening. Once she cleared her initial exam, she went to her fosters which just happened to be our angels with the golden wings who had adopted Makule, another one of our senior rescue a couple of months ago. It takes a very special family to take in two seniors with underlying health issues and love and care for them as they do. We are so grateful for these angels and wish Biscuit and her ohana the very, very best that life has to offer.